Falling into Wholeness

I fall into the darkness,

into the void,

falling free—

I am dis-integrating.

I am disintegrating into peaces—

a peace of identity in tatters

a peace of shadows enlightened

a peace of stories that once and never were

a peace, who is unrecognizable, yet has always been there.

and then as i hit the depths,

no-thing is there,

emptiness swallows me Whole

and everything is.

in the peaces, i have finally found All of You.

i have fallen into wholeness again.

I wrote the above words not long ago as they held energy that I could finally feel. I didn’t share them at that time as it wasn’t time. ⁣

I share them now as I wrap up a truly blessed time, leading a dear client thru a day and half long personal journey… and these words describe a lot of our travels. ⁣

I’m walking with the felt experience the prose points towards.

In essence…

Falling into wholeness requires a falling away of all our pieces (which allows peace to enter thru the cracks), a descent into the shadows and darkness, going into the depths of our soul (as Bill Plotkin has chartered). It’s only once what we knew has dissolved, that we find that which can’t dissolve—when the “I” prostrates to “i” and the “i” unites with the we—in union not sacrifice, in its wholeness not “not enough-ness,” in co-creation not annihilation. ⁣

Doing this work, walking with someone in this way in this sacred container and partnership, was pure joy. It was a gift to us both. ⁣

Luke Iorio