4 Reflections from a Sedona Walk and Journey

A magical time on this walk in and with Sedona for 10 days. A few reflections…

Take the time to wander… walk off the path and follow the pull of the inner calling to parts unknown. The still, small voice within has been whispering for a long time and it’s time to answer by listening and honoring its wisdom and guidance… which leads me to…

Honor your intuition and inner guidance system… we’ve turned away that inner voice and spent too much time focused on the outer pursuits, comforts, and supposed to’s. You honor that intuition first by taking space so you can begin to hear it once more. You then honor that intuition by following through, with just even the next best step, that’s been revealed to you. As you show it that you’re willing to listen, more will come and your trust in each other will grow.

Turn into the discomfort… society wants to make all your pain go away and they’ve got plenty of stuff to sell you or convince you of that will solve those issues — for almost 10 whole minutes before the distraction wanes and you feel it again and clamor for the next distraction. Stop. Let yourself feel the discomfort. Be present with it. Embrace it. And let the immense light and awareness it’s trying to offer you be seen. It is there even amidst incredible pain. (Note: this isn’t look for the silver lining, Pollyanna bullshit. This is truly sitting with what needs to be seen, grieving what needs grieving, tending to what needs tending, and asking what was underneath that pain—love, fear, control, trust, faith; what is it that’s trying to get my attention and be honored).

Lastly, restore your balance… take space and time, dance with stillness and motion, get to know your inner world, connect to your center and peace first (always)… we have become accustomed to being pulled in various directions, with constant competition for our attention, with keeping up with all the responsibilities (never asking which are meant to die off) and never settling into the space between, that is filled with uncertainty and where revelation can find us. Devote yourself to restoring that true, inner balance. And see what begins to come through again.

Thanks for walking and journeying with me.

Luke Iorio